the wall

read or leave a post on the wall, your choice. maybe talk about what brought you here, or how you know/met billy?

12 wall posts

keira - 2024-06-30

bill bob

Chris V - 2024-06-30

God damn Billy i see you grinding this website look dope af keep it up my guy!

Caleb - 2024-06-30

This man once wore fox ears unironically.

martina - 2024-05-20

hi billy

Snail - 2024-05-20

I am a snail, a very violent snail.

Marvin - 2024-05-20


Batman - 2024-05-05

Im batman

Chris scap - 2024-05-04

yooo bro i got a battery for the iphone se,you gotta help me take it apart tho bc i’m prob gonna break it lol

Caleb - 2024-05-04


Iphone 4 - 2024-04-29

Hi im on an iphone 4

billy stanton - 2024-04-29

looks like i wasn't the first one to make a post on my own wall :P i hope my website evolves into one which inspires others for years to come!

Bassem - 2024-04-28

I can see that your work and effort into making this website has definitely put on my mans, good job making this website looks really good.

leave your own wall post

ps: all posts are moderated and must first be approved by billy

