living without a phone

my experience on living without a phone

recently, my phone has decided to break for absolutely no reason. sometimes, the screen flashes green. there are about one or two lines that i can see through to read messages, but it seems pointless. other times, the screen is simply just black. at first i panicked, but then i realized that i already had backed everything up. purchasing a new phone is expensive, and so i figured: why not go without a phone for a little? i have an old android tablet that i use a few times a day, but other than that, since it is not portable what so ever, i am phone-less.

being phone-less has made me realize how attached people are to their phones. i'll be sitting at a table with my friends and family, and everyone is just staring directly into their phones. it really makes you realize how much phones consume you. yes, i do get the urge to check my phone sometimes, but i realize it is broken. it almost feels like a withdrawal, which is crazy to think about. at the same time, this feels almost like a detox in a way, however, i am still utilizing my computer throughout the day.

i will eventually purchase a new phone, but for now, i enjoy the extra time throughout my day with less distractions.

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